Mobile Store - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme

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shoppingBag Sales: 84

Created: Apr 10, 2015

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

ID: 53657

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500k Items | Commercial Use License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Join to Download this Item  for Free
Mobile Store - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 1Mobile Store - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 2Mobile Store - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 3Mobile Store - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 4Mobile Store - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 5Mobile Store - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 6Mobile Store - Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme - Features Image 7

Use the Original Electronics Store Theme for Selling Your Products

Check the brand new electronics store theme aimed to sell any kind of gadgets. Modern and stylish design will help you to become the most demanded online store and be ahead of the curve. A great variety of modern and contemporary features is waiting for you. The Mobile Store theme is designed with the help of the Elementor plugin and a bunch of powerful add-ons, so the customization process will take a matter of clicks. The opportunity to replace blocks and add new ones is also included.

Once getting the electronics store theme you become able to you demo icons and images, which may ease the promotion. You can also switch between a few layout to showcase your products in the best light. Moreover, you are even able to run a blog and showcase some of your latest posts directly on the home page. The starter pack of pre-built page templates is ready-to-use. Among them are:

  • Home page, where you can showcase your collections, featured products, bestsellers, brands, sale products and top-rated items.
  • Shop page, where all your products are organized with the ability to filter them.
  • Sale page, which is aimed to showcase the products, which are on sale.
  • Blog page, where your posts are organized.
  • Contacts page - here you can place social links and a contact form.

Explore the Variety of Features Available

Talking about the advantages of the electronics store theme, the visitors are able to create a personal account. Despite the ability to add the products to the cart, clients can also create a wishlist and compare different products. The search field will ease the on-page navigation. The dynamic slider will entertain people and draw their attention to the call-to-action buttons, which engages clients to buy your products.

The home page of the electronics store theme also contains a dynamic slider with the posts of your blog. Furthermore, your customers are able to filter your products by categories, price, and color. The other way of sorting allows people to divide items by popularity, average rating, etc. In addition, the subscription field, situated on the footer of each page, will engage to subscribe and receive newsletters.

the blog page of the electronics store theme contains your posts and viewers are able to leave comments under each one. The contact form widget will allow people to write you a message or leave a review. A google map widget will help find the location your offices.

Don't Delay Asking for a Piece of Advice

Once owning the electronics store theme, in addition, you get the most helpful and competent team of support specialists at your service. All you need to do is just text us without any doubt! Our team is always ready to satisfy any of your needs and help in installing or editing the website.

4 Reviews for this product

Klasse Produkt kann ich nur weiter empfehlen leichte bedienung
4+ из 5 шаблон очень и очень хороший. продуманная структура и отличный дизайн. Единственный недостаток- это сиильно тормозящая корзина при изменении кол-ва товаров
Great template, design responsive, modern and too intuitive for costumer.
Beautiful theme, with all latest e-commerce facility available. I love woo commerce theme as always as it has beautiful available designs. Template monster has huge collection of themes and this site is much ease to understand for common people too. Highly recommended to explore this site before purchasing any template.

1 Comments for this product

If I buy this theme with installation, how I will edit it? Will you also provide me with the admin panel? If yes, could you please explain this process?
Thank you for your comment. Template #53657 is Wordpress based template with WooCommerce Ecommerce element. If you order template + installation, you will get Wordpress, WooCommerce and the template installed on your hosting server, they will also be set up like our live demo. Once installation is complete, you will get access to admin account, so you will be able to access admin panel (dashboard) of the template.

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